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In this study we try to explore the “effects of wars” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “effects of war” and its impact on “women”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “war consequences” and tries to gauge its effect on “women”. Finally the research discusses different scenarios of war in order to enlighten various “effects of war” and explores their critical “impact on women”.

Table of Contents


Discussion and Analysis5

Impact of War and Militarism on Women5

War and Political Influence on Women7

Impact of World War I on Women8

Impact of World War II on Women10


Works Cited13

The Effects of War on Women


It is a globally accepted phenomenon that the majority of armed conflicts are not tied to the borders or the boundaries. These internal and external conflicts have devastating consequences for civilian populations. These consequences are does not only affect the male population but the female population as well. According to different sociologists, the segment of women and children is the one that is critically affected from any conflict. There are several categories of conflicts, but the most crucial among them is war. The history has witnessed that the war that took place in the past affected not only the economies and the structures of the concerned countries, but also the residents; especially the female population and kids. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the effects of war of women. This paper will discuss different scenarios of wars and measure its impact over the female population in the surroundings. Nevertheless, the paper also aims to elaborate different categories of the consequences that war brought for women.

Nevertheless, there are some studies that counter this statement. According to these studies, the scenarios of war has less impact on women as compared to man. There are different countries of the world in which women and children are the prime priority at the times of crisis. In these countries, women and children often migrate to safer places when their men are engaged in war (Ristanovi, 302). Moreover, different nations of the world agree on the fact that women deserve certain degree of respect; hence, in case of conflict among nations the women and children should not get hurt. According to different sociologists, these wars had a tremendous impact on the civilian population of different countries. However, there are some scenarios in which the women did not suffer lowest impact of the war (Ristanovi, 304).

According to contrastive studies, in the primeval wars the male soldiers of the army were slaughtered and their women were imprisoned. The kings used the most beautiful women to provide sexual pleasure to them and princes. However, the rest of the women were a prize to soldiers for victory. The wars have a critical impact on women and this paper will enlighten it in light of different sources. During the 1980s, when there was a quantum leap in literature on women, peace and security there was also a wider acknowledgement that violence, the institutions, habits ...
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