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The purpose of this paper is to discuss “child obesity” in holistic nature. The main focus of this paper would be on “child obesity” and different factors that are responsible to enhance this issue. This paper will also discuss suggest effective strategies and practices through which the problem of “child obesity” can be minimized.

Table of Contents


Factors Responsible for Childhood Obesity3

Dominance of Obesity in United States4

Childhood Obesity Statistics4

Impact of Media and technology on Obesity5

The Role of Parents5


Works Cited7

Childhood Obesity


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the concept of childhood obesity. The study will explore different factors responsible for childhood obesity and suggest different methods through which childhood obesity issue can be countered. There are many countries in the world that encounter the problem of obesity. United States of America is one of those countries where the issue of obesity if mounting. According to Edward Stanley, “childhood obesity is the critical issue influencing the society; those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness”.

Nevertheless, the data obtained through different sources suggests that this statement to be true because people who are not exercising will regret their decision later in life. People that think exercise takes too much time out of their day would be surprised with how much time cancer, diabetes, asthma, lack of sleep, psychological problems. Exercise is important for the body and mind. The reason I brought this quote to light was due to the Childhood obesity epidemic taking hold of the U.S.

Factors Responsible for Childhood Obesity

While addressing the issue of childhood obesity, different factors influence the scenario. These factors can be categorized as the main characteristics boosting the problem of childhood obesity. Lack of attention from parents, excessive restriction, and intense pressure from family and academic stress is the main factors that enhance the ratio of obese children in United States. According to different scholarly sources, the awareness of obesity is scarce in the United States (Smith, 17). The victims of obesity and their families are unaware of the dangerous outcomes that obesity can cause. Therefore, there should be proper education provided to obesity victims and their families about the obesity factors and their consequences. This will increase people's awareness and enhance their efficiency to adapt useful practices that can counter the issue of obesity. The body mass index test, also known as BMI this is ...
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