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The paper discuss about the harassment and discrimination at work. Sexual harassment at workplace is a growing concern for people all over the world. Harassment in Public service offices has become very common and many incidents are reported each year. It is imperative that companies understand the definition and causes of sexual harassment, before they devise preventive measures toward stopping it from occurring. Efforts at prevention benefit not only the company, but the work force as well. Incidents of sexual harassment are increasing each year. There are two forms of harassment, requests for sexual favors used against an employee to retain or advance in their job, and creating a hostile working environment.

Harassment and Discrimination


Violence in the workplace has become one of the rising hazards for workplace staff. Workplace violence may include threats, hostage taking, homicide, harassment, arson, and intimidation. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) revealed that approximately one million workers are the victims of workplace violence (Vartia, 2006). Violence at the workplace is a disturbing issue for people who are victimized, and because of this, most of these victims are subjected to psychological disability. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most frequent condition, which is related to behavioral disorder and emotional disturbance. Consequently, symptoms of anxiety, physiological arousal, avoidance, intrusion and isolation may occur.

Research Problem

Sexual harassment at workplace is a growing concern for people all over the world. Harassment in Public service offices has become very common and many incidents are reported each year. Due to the nature of work and the environment, the issue of sexual harassment in Public services has become a persistent issue.

The present study will seek to identify the root causes, implications and deterrence caused by sexual harassment in Public service offices. Both men and women could be sexually harassed, but studies have indicated that harassment issues with females are quite higher as compared to their male counterparts (Analoui, pp. 3-31). Many studies have been conducted on the subject and varied results have been found. However, sexual harassment continues to remain as a widely discussed and researched topic for sociologists and industrial psychologists alike.

Significance of the Study

Workplace violence is a bigger issue now than it ever has been, and it is increasing dramatically does not hear much about it anymore in the media because it was covered so often that it is no longer front-page material. It base on the frequency of occurrences. If a workplace violence incident is not extremely dramatic, if ten or fifteen people are not killed, it becomes fourth- or fifth-page material. There was a recent workplace shooting in Alabama that was never covered as front-page news, yet in that situation, four people who left for work never came home again.

This country is still averaging thirteen thousand women assaulted or killed at work by their significant other each year there are 1.5 million workplace violence incidents each year, at a total cost of some $10 billion. It is the most significant work- place violence threat posed to employers in ...
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