The purpose of this research was to describe it, an overview of the responsibilities of government, related to radiation protection of the environment, the context of its current work program, and a number of issues for consideration must be treated these legal issues.
Long-term consequences of exposure to radiation
A very small amount of ionizing radiation could cause cancer in the long term though it may take decades for cancer to appear. The government must establish some legal boundaries of that process at the commercial level. Ionizing emission (X rays, radon gas, radioactive material) can cause leukemia and thyroid cancer. There is no doubt that radiation can cause cancer, but it is still a matter of what level of radiation necessary to cause cancer. Rapidly splitting up units are more susceptible to emission damage. Examples of radiosensitive units are blood-forming units (bone marrow), intestinal coating, hair follicles and fetuses. Therefore, they develop cancer in the first place (Solomon, 15).
Environment of radiation, including the Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation and the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The Government continues to work closely with these organizations for the purpose of developing a strong international system for radiation protection of the environment, including legally binding international obligations to control discharges into the environment, international standards for limiting discharges , and provisions to ensure its implementation (Sanders, 3). If a person is exposed to radiation, especially high doses, there are predictable changes in our bodies that can be measured. The number of blood cells, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in blood cells and the amount of radioactive material in urine, are examples of biomarkers that can indicate if an exposure dose is high. If you do not have early biological changes indicated by these measurements of exposure to radiation does not pose an immediate ...