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In this study we try to explore the concept of Urinary Bladder Cancer in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on understanding of Bladder cancer, its symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment. The research also analyzes many aspects of bladder cancer and tries to gauge its effect on human health. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for bladder cancer and tries to describe the overall effect of bladder cancer on health.

Urinary Bladder Cancer


Bladder cancer refers to a variety from malignant tumors of the bladder, which is abnormal cell proliferation and unregulated. The bladder is a hollow organ; the outer wall of the storage of urine is mainly constituted by the muscles in the lower abdomen. The most common bladder mucosal epithelial cancer cells from the bladder surface, formally known as the transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) (Schoenberg, Mark: 3-33).

Suffering from bladder cancer, the most important risk factor is the impact from the gene, the other to suck smoke, long-term exposure to certain dyes (including aniline) ingredients, such as the textile mill employees may be exposed to), gasoline or other chemical substances than high risk. Animal experiments have shown that rats large doses of an artificial sweetener saccharin can lead to bladder cancer, but the body is not yet the report same; another more commonly used artificial sweetener is aspartame where there is no similar reports (Lee, Cheryl, and David, Wood: 11-18).


The incidence of bladder cancer is a multi-factor mixed multiple genes involved in the formation of a multi-step process, the accumulation of abnormal genotype together with the role of the external environment eventually led to the emergence of the malignant phenotype. Relatively accepted view is that a virus or some chemical carcinogens in the human body, the proto-oncogene activated into oncogenes, tumor suppressor gene inactivation carcinogenic. More than 80% of the incidence of bladder cancer and cancer risk factors (Schoenberg, Mark: 3-33).

Smoking and occupational exposure to aromatic amines is a clear risk factor for bladder cancer. The risk is 2 to 4 times the non-smokers, smokers suffering from bladder cancer related to cancer risk and the number of cigarettes smoked, duration and the degree of inhalation. Western countries, about half of bladder cancer associated with smoking. The tobacco can cause bladder cancer-specific carcinogens yet been determined, studies have shown the presence of nitrosamines in the smoke, 2 - naphthylamine and diaminobiphenyl increased tryptophan metabolites in smoker's urine. Certain occupations, such as aromatic amines, dyes, rubber, aluminum, leather production workers, painters and frequent use of dyes can increase the risk of bladder cancer illness, one of the main contact 2 - naphthylamine and the united aniline and other aromatic amines (Lee, Cheryl, and David, Wood: 11-18).

Symptoms of the Disease

Hematuria: painless gross hematuria is the most common symptom, more than 80% of patients can appear, in which 17% of hematuria serious, but 15% may start only microscopic hematuria. Hematuria mostly full, intermittent seizures also may manifest as the initial hematuria or terminal hematuria, some patients can be discharged ...
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