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Greek and Roman cultures had a major influence on architecture today, but it follows from all of classical architecture that was created several centuries ago. This example is neoclassical architecture that emerged in 18th century France and America, he was promoted by the legendary Thomas Jefferson as the Federal style. During the neo-classical ideas of balance, harmony, idealism and resurfaced and were once more popular. Now, sit down and prepare to be taught a thing or two about architecture and where most of the main principles and ideas come. The designs for buildings were usually selected from handbooks. Jefferson in his early years adhered to this tradition.The Founding Fathers of the United States, especially classical education Thomas Jefferson chose the neo-classicism as the country of the national architecture because it is the fusion of all the ideals that the founding fathers had fought in their journey independence from their colonizers. Classical architecture was inspired by the Greeks and later adopted by the Romans for their own unique designs when they conquered Greece (`` Roman architecture. The great society ancient Rome was specifically inspired by the new America. Rome to the United States was the incarnation of a multitude of aspects such as its government, education and the arts. The neo-classical architecture that began in the mid-18th century America has sent a forward-thinking approach to the 19th century. Generally displays a neoclassical symbolism of democracy and philosophy. When he was adopted by the Americans he evoked an analogy of the young American to Imperial Rome to to emulate the greatness of the latter. Most likely, awareness architectural Jefferson has also been reinforced by personal contacts with the enlightened men of his time. It was soon to attract the attention of Dr. William Small and his fellow teachers at William and Mary. Jefferson ...
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