A Natural History Of The Senses

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A Natural History of the Senses

A natural history of the senses is organized around five chapters that go shelling on the five senses that define the sensory world as men perceive it from the beginning of time, plus an additional chapter referred to synaesthesia is precisely in the confusion, the mixture of the senses, which can smell a color or a musical chord is seen with a certain hue, and therefore gets more into the world of neurology.

No language seems able to describe a smell if it is not going to paraphrase moon. Something smells like cinnamon, like a newborn child, but except for the memory, no one would guess what we mean. An entire industry revolves around the odors (think not only in perfumes, also in detergents, ready meals, wrapping paper, candles, etc) playing those found in nature but also creating new ones by complex chemical processes whose formulas are as secret as a new weapon. With the scent seduce, conquer, but we use it as mosquito repellent or predators (skunks to inquire). Clear that what Europe can be a nasty (the smell of excrement without going further) to an African tribe may seem the finest aphrodisiac, the smell of food putrefaction is a claim must for the flies. But no more abused than our sense of smell, sense seems in danger of extinction due to pollution, allergies and other conditions (Ackerman, 256).

Following our tour we discovered pediatric programs that foster newborn intelligence and physical strength through programmed massage sessions. The feel, the first door that opens sexual pleasure, but last barrier to the danger of predators to which we have not seen smelled or heard and pounce on us. The heat and the cold would not exist but we felt on our skin, but the awareness of self, soul and body unity is manifested through touch (remember the disembodied woman episode of Oliver Sacks , who was not aware of their body, which was as foreign as the waiter who served us coffee.) The skin is a symbol of power, money or force (the coats of bison, but also by tattooing or scarification, attesting to the successful completion of tests of initiation), it is also clear that the paper on which you draw the torture, mutilation or pain. Touch, capable of a sublime or a kiss endless violence, the most extreme of our senses, which is harder to lose the best distributed throughout our body and the hardest to learn and use (Ackerman, 256).

Few senses like taste associated with pleasure, luxury and abundance. However, there is no more fundamental sense as it relates directly to food and nutrients we need, but that has been perfected by the historical. The taste, the most communal of all the senses as it is best enjoyed in the company, the most cultural of all because the man has not ceased to invent new flavors, new products, new mixtures that meet the most subtle tastes. But all this delicacy or variety ...
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