A Hospital Risk Management Analysis

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A Hospital Risk Management Analysis

A Hospital Risk Management Analysis

In this paper, the interview from the director of the Quality and Risk Management department of a healthcare institution was analyzed and interpreted. He emphasized on the following topics:

Definition of medication error

Medication error can be characterized in numerous ways. In general, it may be characterized as a deviation from the physicians' medication order as in writing on the patients chart. It is any preventable happening that may origin or lead to unsuitable use or patient harm while the medication is in the command of the wellbeing care expert, patient or consumers.

Initiatives to address medication errors

Medication-related errors are a foremost supplier to compromised safety. The Coalition has recognized medication safety as a main concern locality, and will aim its assets on where it can be most effective: the prevention of error (Timothy, 2000).

The prime aim of the Coalition's Medication Safety Initiative (MSI) is to advance clear, unambiguous connection between prescribers, pharmacists, and consumers. The foremost initiatives are the following:

To eliminate unsafe abbreviations

To eliminate the use of trailing zeroes and encourage the befitting use of premier zeroes.

To encourage prescribers to have patients read back and interpret scrips when written.

To develop a widespread note for prescribers, pharmacists, and buyers considering steps to enhance medication safety.

To decrease unsuitable polypharmacy by boosting and facilitating medication review and befitting follow-up (Timothy, 2000).

Error reporting

A good way to discover from medication errors is to set up a describing scheme, as voluntary describing of harmful events presents facts and numbers that directs to advanced patient safety.  However, because of the accuse and disgrace start in wellbeing scheme, there is usually underreporting and what is described is often the tilt of the iceberg (Timothy, 2000).

Reporting errors is only the first step in the method of decreasing errors and relentless quality improvement. Sufficient vigilance should be granted to investigating and comprehending the determinants of errors in alignment to conceive discovering schemes and advance patient safety.  An initiative that is routinely utilized in human component investigation is a critical occurrence analysis (Timothy, 2000). This investigation examines harmful events to realize where the scheme smashed down, why the occurrence appeared, and the attenuating components surrounding the incident. Analyzing critical occurrences, if or not the happening really directs to an awful conclusion, presents a comprehending of the situation that made a genuine error or the risk of error as well ...
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