A Good Practitioner

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A Good Practitioner

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A Good Practitioner

Biomedics is a medical science's branch that deals with issues relating to human tolerance to environmental stress. Rooted in the the application of traditional and natural sciences ike biology, biochemistry, and biophysics,this branch is of high significance. Departments like accident and emergency and operating theatres could not function properly, without biomedical practitioners. A biomedical practitioner has to play many roles that comprise: carrying on tests for emergency blood grouping and blood transfusions in addition to executing tests on samples from patients who have dosed on unknown substances too heavily, or may have suspected of having a heart attack. The performance of this key role successfully by a biomedical practitioner in healthcare depends upon the accurateness and competence of biomedical practitioner as lives of patients and the treatment of disease relies upon their skill and knowledge.

Toxicological study, cancer, anaemia, diabetes, meningitis, blood transfusion, hepatitis and AIDS are just quite a few of the medical conditions, investigated by a biomedical practitioner. A key role is too performed by them in screening cervical smears, identification of diseases and viruses and monitoring of the impacts of drug and other treatments. A Biomedical Practitioner is responsible for the correct diagnosis of patients so that they can be better treated by a Medical Practitioner and do away with their illness, and get back healthy. Every Biomedical Practitioner should try their best to work as a good practitioner, as it is demand of the field that practitioners have to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in the best possible manner.

The clinical diagnosis plays an important role in the professional career of practitioners, and they need to be very careful while diagnosing their patients. Following the clinical management plan (CMP) is necessary in order to be a good practitioner. This plan is related to the patients and how the practitioner should take care of them following the standards of the clinic and this plan is made according to each patient following their name and how they need to be managed. The practitioner should prescribe medicines which are listed under the Prescription only Medicines (POM), and are a part of the clinical management plan. The clinical management plan includes information related to the diagnosed problem of the patient, aim of their treatment, name of the prescriber, medicines that might be prescribed, and the process of reporting. Being a good practitioner requires to treat all the patients in the same way, without any discrimination on the basis of race, color, costs and religion. All the patients having same diseases and illness should be treated in the same manner, and the practitioner should give all their patients equal importance and value. I try my level best to treat my patients equally, in all the possible ways. This helps my patients in recovering soon, and they don't have any issues and problems during their treatment period (Schon, 1983, pp. 1-30).

Protecting the health, dignity and safety of the patient is the responsibility of a ...
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