A Comparison between Projects in Matrix Organizations vs. Functional Organization
I would first like to express my gratitude for my research supervisor, colleagues, and peers and family whose immense and constant support has been a source of continuous guidance and inspiration.
I hereby certify that the work described in this thesis is my own work, except where otherwise acknowledged, and has not been submitted previously for a degree at this or any other university.
In this study we try to explore the concept of “Organization's structure” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Organization's structure” and its relation with “Projects in Matrix Organizations vs. Functional Organization”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Organization's structure” and tries to gauge its effect on “Projects in Matrix Organizations vs. Functional Organization”. The methodology covers the research design and data collection tools regarding the “Organization's structure”. Results were based on the data being analyzed in methodology. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Organization's structure” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Organization's structure” on “Projects in Matrix Organizations vs. Functional Organization”. The paper concludes by mentioning the implications and future aspects regarding “Organization's structure”.
Table of Contents
I Introduction1
Background of the study 1
Problem Statement 2
Purpose of the Study 2
Rationale of the Study 3
Research Aim 4
Scope and Significance of the Study 4
Reliability and Validity 4
Ethical Concerns 5
II Review Of The Relevant Literature6
Theoretical Framework 6
Defining Organizational Structure 6
Structure and organization of companies 7
Importance of the organization 7
Matrix Structure 8
Functional Organization 9
Some disadvantages 10
Advantages: 11
Summary 11
Statement of Research Questions 12
III Research Methodology13
Qualitative Research 13
Research Design 14
Sampling 15
Sample of Participants 15
Instrument 15
Data Collection 16
Data Analysis 16
Nature of Data 17
Case Study 17
Secondary Research 17
Time Scale 18
I Introduction
Background of the study
The structure includes the way it is divided, grouped and coordinate activities in an organization, and relations between managers and employees, between managers and among employees. Functional organization is characterized by product / marketing, matrix, linear, formal and line-staff type (Wren, 1994). Subsequently, we analyze the factors that determine the number of levels in an organization's structure and characteristics of the current structure. The structure comprise the form in Which the Activities Within an organization are Divided, Group and coordinates, as well as the relations Between Employees and managers, and managers Among Employees. The functional organization is characterized by product / marketing, Matrix, linear, and formal and line-staff type. Subsequently, the Factors that determines the number of Levels in the structure of an organization and the Characteristics of the current structure are analyzed. The organization was essentially about the human need to cooperate. The men were forced to cooperate for their own ends before his physical, biological, psychological and social. In most cases, this cooperation can be more productive if you have a suitable structure.
It is said that an organization with good staff work. It is also said that it is desirable to maintain a degree of freedom in structural organization because it encourages collaboration to accomplish tasks. However, it is obviously still capable and willing to cooperate among ...