A Bad Decision

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A Bad Decision


In our lives, both personal and professional, circumstances arise the force us to make decisions every day. When making these decisions we need to verify that we are not making decisions on faulty thinking: perceptions, assumptions, or anything other than logistical reasoning and factual evidence. If we will base our decisions on this faulty thinking, most of the time it will end in a negative result. One of the most essential tools in decision making is our critical thinking. Critical thinking will vary depending on the underlying motivation; we will always have some biases and prejudices in our minds. One who is logical at critical thinking has the ability to look at the facts, and make their decision off of those facts, not off of their biases. Critical thinking is a tool that we can use in our everyday lives to help us to more productive thinkers, people and common decision makers. Everyone has made a bad decision in their life which has affected his or her life in a direct or an indirect way. Like everyone else, I have also made a lot of bad decision in my life. Some of them include, like hurting people through sinful remarks, insulting teachers and always taking people as a mean of getting work from them. The worst decision which I ever took was having an affair with my friend's wife. At the start I never considered it a excruciating decision because it was keeping me and that girl in a state of happiness.


The first time I met Susan was in New York in a restaurant. I was invited by my friend to join him and his wife on lunch. I remember that time I was in that stage when my girl friend left me. This happened to me 1 month before when I met Susan. Meeting Susan was like a love at first sight. Her deep lonely eyes had a great impact on me, and because of that I could not stop staring at her during the entire lunch. We three had a long chat in which we tried to find out what was happening in each other's life. Being a very good and close friend of Jake, I told him everything that happened in my life. He was deeply sad on listening to what happened between me and my girlfriend. During this whole conversation, I noticed Susan was listening ...
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