9/11 Terrorism And The Global Economy

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9/11 Terrorism and the Global Economy


Following the 9/11 terrorist assaults on United States of America, much alarm resounded around the globe. The uncertainty feelings proceeded concerning the impact these assaults would have on the America in terms of the economy and the national security. In this paper, we are examining facets of the 9/11 terrorism on the international system. We are also discussing the changes in the nature of global economy after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.



Economic cost of September 111

“Macro-economic” Effects4

Budgetary Effects6

Amplified Costs Of Commerce And Abridged Travel7



9/11 Terrorism and the Global Economy


The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the soil of United States of America is the approaches of insecurity instantaneously proceeded regarding security on the national level as fear emerged of probable attacks in the future. Simultaneously, stances of improbability resonated regarding accurately what brunt these assaults would have on the US and international system. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 have fundamentally transformed the international system, and these changes are done in different areas of international system. According to Reveron (2011), the intercontinental system has altered considerably since the 9/11 attacks of terrorist, and there is worth to reassessing elementary thoughts about the control of armed forces and securities of the nation. Progressively more, control cannot be deliberated in terms of military alone, different non-state factors challenge the conventional sympathetic of nationalized sanctuary.

The terrorist act of 9/11 has the significant impact on the international system and the system is very significantly transformed. In this research paper, we are discussing how the economy of the world after the incident of September 11.


Economic cost of September 11

The incident of 9/11 terrorism is the most disparaging attack of terrorists in history. These types of attacks are the new form of the terrorism. In the view of the fact that, the attacks of terrorist of September 11 2001 is the idea of new terrorism has full-fledged to overlook the sanctuary schema on each sides of the Atlantic. This situation resounds across the complete system of the world. The uncertainty feelings proceeded concerning the impact these assaults would have on the America in terms of the economy and the national security. ). According to Reveron (2011), the intercontinental system has altered considerably since the 9/11 attacks of terrorist, and there is worth to reassessing elementary thoughts about the control of armed forces and securities of the nation. Progressively more, control cannot be deliberated in terms of military alone, different non-state factors challenge the conventional sympathetic of nationalized sanctuary.

There are number of ways of changes in the international system have been observed after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. One of the main changes which are seen after September 11 is the changed in the global economy.

The 9/11 terror attacks seized a dreadful creature toll and glimmered a war on horror. These attacks changed the economy of the world and sinking the growth of the world, striking different industries, and figuring billions of dollars. These attacks took place several years ago, but the ...
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