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5 Question needs to be answer


Research process

Following are the eight major steps involved during the typical research process:

Problem definition

Hypothesis development

Research design

Secondary data research

Sample design

Data collection

Data Analysis

Testing hypothesis

Conclusion and recommendations

Problem definition

Here we define our purpose of having research by defining our major problem or issue.

Hypothesis development

Based on the pre-emption search, we translate our problem question into hypothesis, in order to have proper direction in research.

Research design

In research design, we select the research methodology, variables and defining the procedures.

Secondary data research

Secondary research is like Having proper direction and different viewpoint, regarding the research through the data already available.

Sample design

Sample design is creating the sample research by using different research tools.

Data collection

Collection of primary data through different research mean including questionnaire and other tools.

Data Analysis

Analyzing the acquire data by obtaining the important findings necessary for research implementation and evaluation.

Testing hypothesis

On the basis of data collected through the primary sources, the hypothesis is been tested for appropriate results.

Conclusion and recommendations

After hypothesis testing we conclude our report finding and provide some appropriate findings.

2. Is the statement, "Philosophy majors are the best students" a scientific one? Defend your answer.

The best one or the perhaps the major reason in order to be major in philosophy is that if you are having the serious interest in philosophy subject. This study not only furnishes your skills that are useful in your career growth but also help in improving critical and creative thinking, problem solving skills, improves the ability to organize the complication in the problem, improve the ability to see better approaches to see the problems. Not only this one but this also helps in improving the communication, the writing skills and expands the interests of an individual in understanding the ideas and also give comfort with any disagreement and give ability to cope up with complex situations (Mike, 2003).

Moreover, philosophy boosts up the understanding with the complex situation and reasoning. Also help in maintaining the standards helpful in professional world. A philosopher manifests the problems in way that provide multiple of solution to single critical issue. The good thing with philosophy is that it's not the collection of fact that we have to memorize, but it's completely based on the methodology of problem solving and critical thinking. It also allow individual to approach problem from different perspective (Earl, 2008).

Philosophy helps in delivering better research and investigation on an issue. It gives proficiency at conducting the investigation and proving multiple solutions. The reason behind the better research is that this study trains the student in understanding the better way to ask the questions and help in developing the best approach to conclude the result. It also helps in providing creative techniques and best citations for conclusion (Earl, 2008).

The most important thing is the skills learned in philosophy are more basic skill and can easily be applied in many situations. These skills are more commonly called as the transferable skills. These skills help them in taking new responsibilities and challenges, ...
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