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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

State Of America's Children
State of America's Children State of America's Children Although the United States and Canada are the most advanced industrialized countries in the world, they have some the highest child poverty rates in the industrialized world. Some children are poor because their parents are working, yet poor. Other poor children live ...
PTSD PTSD Introduction Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a kind of disorders of anxiety that develops after a person witnesses or experiences a distressing event that involved a intimidation of grievance or bereavement. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is classified generally recognized as an anxiety disorder. However, it can also lead to ...
Refelctive Paper
Refelctive Paper Refelctive Paper Article 1: Our Research Program Validating the Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence: Reply to Gottfredson Intelligence comes from the Latin intellect and knowledge and a means-view. In the Duden is insight, keen perception, intelligence, mental loading gabung and understood deskraft. According to a study by Sternberg, Conway, Ketron and ...
Anthropology, Sociology & Psychology
Anthropology, Sociology & Psychology Anthropology, Sociology & Psychology Introduction Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology are born in the late eighteenth and are associated with modernity and attempt to construct a science of morality with a scientific nature. Sociology is from the beginning to develop a general theory of society that consistently explain ...
Human Brain
Human Brain Human Brain Introduction The left brain is responsible for logical, sequential thinking, and learning. Analysis, linear thinking, order, and the need for structure, take place in the left brain. Whereas, the right-brain is responsible for musical tunes, patterns and mental pictures and it is concerned with whole picture and spatial ...
Physical Discipline
PHYSICAL DISCIPLINE When Physical Discipline Leads To Aggressive Behavioral Problems When Physical Discipline Leads To Aggressive Behavioral Problems Introduction For the transfer of care child to succeed, everyone must take part in planning and security. Parents should make sure that the person who chose to care for their children is someone responsible who can ...
SMOKING Smoking Cigarettes during Pregnancy Smoking Cigarettes during Pregnancy Introduction Smoking has always been considered injurious to health and root cause of many diseases. Despite of many health awareness programs, people still continue to smoke. If smoking has such adverse affects on the health of the smoker then it is quite clear and evident ...
Personality Theories And Character Analysis
Personality Theories and Character Analysis Personality Theories and Character Analysis Personality Theory: Social Cognition Albert Bandura, is the founder of social cognitive theory, received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 1952. In 1953, he was offered a position at Stanford University. In 1986, Bandura published his book: “Social Foundation of Thought ...
Cultural Event
Cultural Event Cultural Event Preamble To know about history and science fiction is in human nature; rather, one can say that people are always curious and have a reserve of immense enthusiasm towards discovering new things. In order to know all this, people usually travel to new places and the local ...
Child Behavior In The Playground
CHILD BEHAVIOR IN THE PLAYGROUND Child Behavior in the Playground Abstract The paper analyzes the behaviour of the children in the school play ground. Participation in physical activity play throughout the school day has been shown to foster improved classroom attention and behaviour among children. The research regarding the observational system ...
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