Managing Communications

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Managing Communications, Information and Knowledge

Managing Communications, Information and Knowledge

Task 1: Personal Communication Development Plan

Everyone communicates, but it is very common to find people who cannot interact with each other. Some tips may show that the person is well prepared, because it sells well, speak properly, speak naturally, speaking before an audience without fear and has resourcefulness. Dry mouth, tachycardia, and cold hands are common symptoms at the time of speaking in public, even for the most experienced speaker. The trick to success is to be aware about how to deal with these symptoms.

Communication is one of the core competencies necessary to every human being, especially in the world we live in an era of constant change in which more and more companies are giving more value to it. As such communication is a fundamental skill for the modern professional who wants to do well in the job market. Increasingly, people are becoming aware of this and seeking to improve their communication skills. The objectives can be various: get a more positive dialogue, improve interpersonal relationships, enhance leadership process or improve the contact with the public. And it is not only the privilege of the timid, no it is not. A growing number of executives who seek courses and communication programs in order to improve communication in day-to-day, seeking to improve interactions with diverse audiences and in different situations. Not to mention those who seek to lose the fear of public speaking. Many people have realized that the ability of communication acts as a lever for career and has established itself as a skill highly valued by organizations.

The above paragraphs demonstrate the importance of communications. But despite this, many factors many are still fixed on fluency in other languages ??and neglect the command of the most global language of the world, English. Mistakes in emails, job interviews and other contacts can hurt the image and credibility of the person, harming the conquest of respect for the listener.

Why communication is important?

More than important, it is one of the most desired professional skills in the current market ecosystem. It is essential, regardless of the position and profile, the professional should know how to communicate and relate well in any context. Some examples of situations where it is important to speak well are:

Public presentations

Team motivation


Business meetings

Customer contacts






Everyone can (and should) communicate well, even the timid. Some observe communication as like music, which everyone can learn. Of course some will have more difficulties than others, but this is expected. Anyone can develop communication skills. Further, those who communicate more, sells, produce and yields more.

The next question is, how can a shy person can overcome shyness? According to experts, it is a matter of overcoming limits, coming out of the "comfort zone" and be willing to overcome barriers. The development process of communication includes interior changes. Everyone has the ability to communicate. Essentially there are three persons in one individual: the person we think we are, the person that other people realize that we ...
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