Managing Communications, Knowledge And Infomation

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Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information


It is extremely important for an individual to have personal communication development plan that would help in having sound communication among the employees that are working with him or her within an organization. The personal communication development plan can bring self-improvement and awareness in an individual and can help him or her in planning for better options and solutions to each of the communicational tasks. Personal development plan or individual development plan holds personal communication development portion that includes communication strengths, education, trainings, competencies and most important the weaknesses of an individual that would be addressed in detail and proper strategies and planning can be done for overcoming the these issues (Grit et al, 2008, Pp.1-17). There are individuals who face trouble in addressing the conflicting and negotiating situations within an organization as it requires great level of competencies and communicational skills that would help them in managing these situations and in maintaining their stance. Persuading an individual requires complete knowledge and skills that would make the other individual connected to the communication. In these situations these individuals need to be given trainings and case studies that would help them in developing best suitable options and managing these situations in an effective way. The organizations need to have effective trainings for the new employees who have recently joined the organization as they would not be having those communicational skills that are required in managing these conflicting issues. The trainers within an organization need to help the individuals to develop personal communication development plan along with the personal development plan as these plans would help the employees in understanding the communicational demands and channels within an organization (Miller, 2012, Pp.142). The personal communication development plan can be made with the help of analyzing the communication strengths and weaknesses of an individual as these can help in developing strategies and actions that would enhance the strengths and reduce or overcome the weaknesses within an individual.

1.1 SWOT Analysis

This section will demonstrate the abstract of all the personal strengths plus weaknesses which are possessed by the individual which are as follow:


Having and superior level of education

Having particular manageable abilities of communication and teamwork

Being good at listening to what others have to say and assimilate information

Being a good listener and also eager to help other members of the group


Lacking of experience in work

My English is not that good

Not arranging work well and do not like the work schedule and plan of action

Being a bit time consuming to make up mind

Having weak skills in legal aspects


Have been through increased self-awareness and access to employment opportunities more easily as compared to others (Bo¨Hm, 2009, 1-12).

Having more learning as compared to any other average person

My city life is a huge market employment.


Excellent knowledge, experience and skills of an individual's competitors.

Competitors having a much better job as compared to the individual

Participants who go to better schools reputation

My professional development in this area ...
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