Instructional Curriculum Map

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Instructional Curriculum Map Using Top-Down Approach

Instructional Curriculum Map Using Top-Down Approach


The United States educational system is in the midst of reform and new forms. While there are, and will continue to be, federal recommendations and requisites related to accountability such as Common Core State Standards, Race To The Top, No Child Left Behind, PARCC Assessments, high-stakes testing, standards alignment, and instruction based on best practices, many public and private learning orgnaizations want to infuse a 21st century learning-centered mindset and build their educational mission, vision, and goals around an emphasis on students as diverse learners and thinkers.

Curriculum Mapping Model

The curriculum mapping model based on Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs's work clearly addresses the necessity to synthesize various models and create a framework that foucses on the recommendations, requisites, and desires that affect students' learning and teahcing environments. (Jacobs, 2009)

Figure 1: Curriculum Map

Comparison with Curriculum Map

In comparison, another curriculum mapping that makes it possible to identify where within the curriculum learning objectives are addressed. In other words, it provides a means to determine whether your objectives are aligned with the curriculum. This curricula must be systematically aligned with the program objectives. Alignment involves clarifying the relationship between what students do in their courses and what faculty expect them to learn. Analyzing the alignment of the curricula with program objectives allows for the identification of gaps which can then lead to curricular changes to improve student learning opportunities.

Figure 2: Another Curriculum Map

Curriculum Mapping Focuses


21st Century curriculum maps are most often developed and maintained using an Internet-based commercial mapping system. (Jacobs, 2009) The top-down methodology work with these concepts.

Curricular Dialogue

Teachers take part in collegial relationships wherein they make data-based decisions about grade-level, cross-grade level, disciplinary, and cross-disciplinary curricula and instructional practices.


A combination of 21st Century communication plus curricular ...
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