The Presbyterian And Methodist Denominations In U.S.A

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The Presbyterian and Methodist Denominations in U.S.A

The Presbyterian and Methodist Denominations in U.S.A


The theological movement is the genesis of the evangelical American. Many universities (Princeton, Brown), schools, missionary societies or social works are created. It is especially the emergence of new independent established churches, whose rule began to be shaken. Thus, Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists essentially accompany the stand toward the West and are experiencing unprecedented growth, thus promoting greater religious freedom (Utter,2007,36-72). The theme of religion is essential to understanding in American society, which places a strong emphasis on spirituality. For example it is common to find a Bible in hotel rooms, usually the King James Bible and the religion is so present in the public space we now speak of it as a civil religion.

Another American specificity, the great diversity and dynamism of Churches, which are largely explained by the country's history, land of refuge that has guarantee an early religious freedom. Even today, the denominations are involved in social and political life of the nation. However, as in most other developed countries, the number of believers or affiliated persons of one religion tends to decline. This paper aims to analyze two significant denominations in the American Society namely the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations.


Methodist Denominations

Methodism or the Methodist movement is the name usually given to a large and diverse group of Christian denominations of Protestantism. Historically, Methodism originated in Great Britain of the eighteenth century and through the vigorous missionary activity spread rapidly in the unfolded domains in the British Empire , the United States and beyond. It was originally called especially to workers, poor farmers and slaves (Utter,2007,36-72).

According to Rhodes, (2005), the United Methodist Church is one of the largest and most influential Protestant denominations in the United States. Methodism plays a historic part in the formation of American values. Evangelistic camps that were originated by Presbyterians were popularized by the Methodists. The Methodist Church set the standard among denominations for church involvement in social reform. And, more than any other denomination, the Methodists have been responsible for promoting tolerance of different beliefs and doctrines among those who call themselves Christians (Rhodes,2005,67-89).

The First Great Awakening was a religious movement experienced in the American colonies of the British Empire during the decades of 1730 and 1740. English Methodist preacher George Whitefield (Calvinist-sheet) was a leading position in this case settlements to travel and preach in a dramatic and emotional style, to make it for anyone who agrees to listen to. Methodism understood that his mission was to instill dogma or rites, but rather, an ethical lifestyle, whose " tangible was the abstention of alcohol and smoking, respect for Sunday rest, the prohibition of games of chance, the defense of monogamy, concern for the education and the prohibition of licentious activity (Melton,2003,96-111). Overcoming traditional society required the modern order that supported a pietistic moral model. This preaching assumed a strong ascetic character which contrasted the vices of life virtuous.

Mead, Hill, Atwood, (2001) writes that, “ The new style of ...
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