Human Resources Management - Mod 3 Slp

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Human Resources Management - MOD 3 SLP

Human Resources Management - MOD 3 SLP


It does not matter how amazingly wonderful a product or service of a company may be, if the company does not advertise, nobody will be able to know about what one is making or offering. The goal of an advertisement should be to reach its prospects and attract them in as a minimum cost as possible. Advertising is one of the key functions of the human resource department of any company. Advertisements are the tools that are used for the purpose of communication with the masses that include the listeners, the viewers and readers (Connolly, 2010). The advertisements are typically used to provide information and grasp the attention of the people In order to sell the product, an idea or a service. The advertisements are communicated to the audience through various mediums. These mediums include newspapers, yellow pages, magazines, radio, television, e-marketing, direct mail, billboards and telemarketing ( Another purpose of advertisements is to assure the share holders and employees that the company is practical and flourishing. Sponsors typically support an advertisement.

They are to make sure that the proper advertisement is published in some paper or over the internet. It is their duty to make sure that the advertisement is well written and is targeting a market which is the target market of the organization. It is not only the manufacturing companies which posts ads, but all of the service companies also post ads. They usually advertise for the staff that they need. The health care sector is not exception to this. All of the health care centers publish ads for the vacant posts that they have, and they wish to fill. They post advertisements for all kinds of jobs which need to be filled. This paper will throw light on the effective ways of writing an advertisement. It will also throw light and will compare two advertisements related to allied health, specifically nursing.


If advertising is done correctly, it can help the company and can be an investment for the future of the company. If advertising is done poorly, it will be a huge money sink for a company. There are many things, which can be done, to make an advertisement as effective as possible. The first step is to make sure that one goes after the target audience of the company. It should be kept in ...
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