Human Resources Management - Mod 1 Slp

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Human Resources Management - MOD 1 SLP

Human Resources Management - MOD 1 SLP


Human resource is defined as the total skills, talent, aptitudes, abilities, and knowledge of an organization's work force and value approaches of an individual involved in routine interaction of organization. The rapidly transforming business landscape poses incredible human resource management challenges which will continue to evolve for years to come. The literature on the relationship between human resource management and performance organization is abundant (Kim 2012, 345-354).

Human resources create diversified and multidimensional environment. People could no longer work or live in an insular marketplace; they all are part of globalization and global competition. Organization needs to move towards diversification and openness. Managing and dealing with this diversified workforce is in itself a challenge for the company. Human Resource Management is now an inherent part of management. There are several challenges relating to human resource management faced by my company.

Reducing Employee Turnover

Employee turnover is often regarded as a negative factor for the organization. To recruit highly qualified employees and retain them at all to the company are two of the top challenges for HR nowadays, which will gain more and more importance in the future. Recruitment is usually a costly and time consuming activity so it is important to retain your staff (Kim 2012, 345-354).

There are certain changes in the workforce that are somewhat predictable and avoidable yet, also the company has to suffer unexpected resignations that may affect the business. This is where a company's negotiation skills come into play. When someone has made the decision to leave the company, it is often best to let it go, but if that person is essential to the company, all efforts should be done to retain the person. This is mainly because there are huge recruitment and training costs ...
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