Zodiac Killer

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Zodiac Killer

Zodiac Killer


Zodiac Killer is the nickname of a killer in the United States of America. He was a known serial killer in U.S., active in California for ten months at the northern end of the sixties of the twentieth century. He himself coined the name in a series of letters to the challenge of aging print until 1974: the latter contained four cryptograms or ciphers, three of which remain unresolved (Rodelli, Mike, 2005). This paper would focus on identifying the fact that whether or not, the Zodiac Killer was penalized for his killings or not, and thus, justice was issued, or not. Though Zodiac was involved in the murder of numerous individuals, yet, he has not been penalized for his murders till now, as his identity is still unknown.


The killer's nickname comes from his many letters to the press, including four cryptograms, three of which have so far remained unresolved. The first was decrypted on 8 August 1969, by Professor Donald Harden and his wife Bettye Harden (Dorgan, Marsha, 2007). The letters are signed by a symbol resembling a Celtic cross or the sight of sight of a sniper rifle, a symbol also engraved with a knife on a car door of a victim. There are 2,500 suspects questioned over the decades. In April 2004, the San Francisco police officially closed the case, although the killer's identity remains unknown and there is no statute of limitations for murder (Charles, 2004). The case remains open in the County of Napa and Vallejo. Among the prime suspects figured Arthur Leigh Allen, Robert Graysmith assumed to be the killer, and Theodore John Kaczynski, nicknamed "Unabomber", who at the time of the murders was living in Berkeley. The names of Andy Walker, Bruce Davis, Lawrence Kane, Michael O'Hare and Rick Marshall were also mentioned ...
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