Youth Taskforce

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Youth Taskforce

Youth Taskforce


In July 2008, the government published the Youth Crime Action Plan (YCAP). This set out a package of measures to prevent and tackle youth crime through a triple-track approach of tough enforcement, non-negotiable support and prevention.

Funding was made available by the government and Stockton was one of the areas selected to benefit from the scheme. Resources have been allocated to deal with local needs and priorities. This is a partnership approach to problem solving and the police are working closely with the Integrated Youth Support Service, Community Safety, Housing and Children's Services.

“The plan will be delivered through the Responsive Engagement and Prevention Project and by utilising a range of activities. These are spread throughout the district to make best use of existing youth facilities(Berthoud, et al, 2007).

The Youth Crime Action Plan is a comprehensive, cross-government analysis of what further we need to do to tackle youth crime. It sets out a 'triple track' approach of enforcement and punishment where behaviour is unacceptable, non-negotiable support and challenge where it is most needed, and better and earlier prevention. It makes clear that we will not tolerate the behaviour of the minority which causes misery and suffering to others, especially their victims who, more often than not are other young people(Berthoud, et al, 2007). People have a responsibility to obey the law if we are to deliver fairness and prosperity to all communities.

The whole action plan takes a triple track approach


?Non-negotiable support


Issues Before

The YCAP encompasses a range of issues connected to youth crime including police powers, provision of youth centres, safeguarding and family intervention schemes. The document also commits to working in partnership with communities, health services and schools.

This is the Government's first joined-up strategy on youth crime, reflecting a higher profile and broader shift towards cross-government departmental working(Berthoud, et al, 2007). Youth crime has moved up the Government's agenda, coinciding with the increasing public and media focus on young people, anti-social behaviour and crime. In February 2008, Speaking Out jointly held a roundtable discussion with representatives from member organisations, working specifically around youth justice and youth crime prevention, and officials from the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), Home Office and Cabinet Office working on the YCAP. The majority of the organizations who attended deliver direct support and development services for children and young people, either directly within the youth justice system or working with young people at risk of entering the justice system.

The meeting provided government officials with a children and young people's voluntary and community sector (CYPVCS) perspective on measures which will help prevent young people from entering the criminal justice system and delegates shared their experience of doing this at the frontline. Agencies shared experiences of using preventative approaches steering young people away from the justice system but quite often receiving no official recognition of this role(Berthoud, et al, 2007). It will be important to ensure that the views of the CYPVCS are now reflected in the implementation of the ...
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