Young Widows

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Young Widows- Single Parents

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Young Widows- Single Parents


Losing a life partner ultimately disturbs the marriage life of a partner left behind; this loss eventually affects the children's and the existing partner. This situation draws a lot of stress to the community and to the kin as well. Being an alone juvenile mother having less expertise in professional education leads to the tough situation. Strenuous in terms of financially and socially. In order to cover up the expenses an additional support is needed from family, social services and might be from the government as well. Transformations to the widowhood are dependent on ethnic norms, race, class, gender and on societal expectations.

Social and Physical Environment:

Feelings of anger, loneliness, and sadness at the cost of a partner's loss somehow relieved when widows speak together. In our society, it becomes difficult for a widow to live in and it becomes more difficult when it happens in young age. Widowed has to face many difficulties when it happens at an early age, as all this require a lot of patience (Terry & Toni, 2003) Young women who just lost her husband has to face more complexities alone, which require a lot of extra efforts and even though she needs to bear a lot of critiques, making her life more difficult. The society we are living is very challenging; nobody cares for what you have just gone through with and what their duties are towards society, no one bothers to help you (Judith, 1998). An early time in Korean society, being a widow reflects an inferior status and immense prohibition of remarriage. A widow who tends to move to cities especially is now able to get the better cultural and social status in Korea (Terry, 2003).

Interpersonal Problems:

The feelings of widowed articulate the impression of meaningless and purposeless life with blurred track, as if all the colors of life have been taken away from them. Some people said that the duties towards their children keep them alive and bring energy in them to keep on going with life. They wanted to spend more time with their husbands, share their problems and express their affection to them. Most of them even have the remorse feelings of being alive. One of the women got afraid that her infirmity accelerates the death of her husband. But the most devastating occurrence was loneliness. . Bringing up of children's alone is the main area of the interpersonal problems (Mish, 1994).

Services Received from the Formal Organization:

Widowed getting support from the relatives and the friends can be resolving aspect of keeping their homes on way. Availability of financial and emotional help when required makes a lot of difference. The families of single parent are becoming more common now, but it's becoming more comfortable for single mothers to succeed than it should have been in past. Increasing the number of these families has given rise to the governmental intervention in social services and its help, but the single young mothers are ...
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