Young People In A Global Society

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Young People in a Global Society

Q; Essay; Why should youth work in the UK include global dimension and what type of activities could be delivered with young people?


The case study of global youth work will involve a group of young people where the activity will look into the topic of sex exploitation from a global perspective. Sex exploitation comes of many different forms such as sex trafficking, prostitution, sexual grooming of young people and children, sexual abuse, rape ,sex slavery all these are issues that are of great concern to the whole world (Global).

This is an important issues that affects all people around the world but more so among young people all over the world.

Young people can get involved in many sorts of activities and can be easily influenced as well as getting exposed to the evils of this world.

Sex trafficking therefore can have a significant impact on one's life especially where one is affected from a young age.

Many times in our news broadcast we have been faced with news of young people especially young girls being abducted and sexually abused ,groomed for sex and even coming into the hands of prostitution gangs this is from the UK point of view but globally we have heard cases of rape in a war zones, girls being trafficked from one country to another under force promises and ending up as sex slave not forgetting what modern technology has impacted on young minds where young people send some images of nudity to each other where they do so under peer pressure.

How does this issue link to youth work principles and definitions?

Before proceeding towards the actual context of the text let's briefly have a look to what is globalization all about.

Globalization Globalization includes all those practices and procedures by which people around the world gets integrated into a single society that is the global society (Beerkens, 2006).

Young people makes up the part of this complicated, fast changing global society. From food that is taken by the young people to the dresses they wear and the televisions that they watch all are affected by the globalization process one way or the other. Most of the young people are energetically involved in being a part of the changing world. They are very much concerned about the issues like education, environment, crime, education, discriminations. These concerns shoe the limit to which young people are influenced by the globalization.

Changing world creates advancements and improvements but also makes room for insecurities relating future. It is not surprising to say that the rapid changing world has given rise to more inequalities and oppressions which in turn generate feelings like powerlessness and isolation among young people. To counter these effects global youth works. Its objective is to encourage the young people to actively become a part of the changing world and to actually participate in shaping the new world (DEA, 2007).

Global Youth Work

Youth work helps young people to learn about themselves as well as others and society in general through information, and ...
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