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Young People And Alcohol Misuse

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Young People and Alcohol Misuse

Young People and Alcohol Misuse


This paper intends to critique the article titled “Young people and alcohol misuse: how can nurses use the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion?” The authors of the article are Bernadette Ward and Glenda Verrinder. The article was written in 2008. The basic topic of the article is to assess the different ways through which the nurses can utilize the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Utilizing the charter for reducing the alcohol misuse within the young generation of Australia remains the basic essence of the article. The article also provides significant recommendations for framing health promotions strategies to reduce the alcohol misuse in the long run within the society of Australia. The identification of alcohol misuse and suggestions regarding the reduction of alcohol misuse is performed within the article. I found the article extremely useful for nurses to utilize the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and also for eradicating the alcohol misuse from the Australian society with the help of nurses.


The article highlights major aspects in which the nurses can make an effective use of the Ottawa Charter for promoting the health care within Australian society. The basic focus of the article remained the health promotion framework for the reduction of alcohol misuse from the Australian society. The article highlights the basic components of the Ottawa Charter 1986 [1]. The Ottawa Charter of 1986 is basically important to frame the relevant health policies. Also, the charter helps to facilitate the strategy making related to health promotion and facilitate health research.

The article also suggests that Ottawa Charter is extremely important in developing the health promotions awareness within the citizens of Australia [1]. The Ottawa Charter highlights the different factors that impact the general health and well being within Australia. Alcohol misuse within young generation remains one of the major factors that impact the general health promotions initiatives within Australia [4]. Physical and mental health status, level of education, poverty and income levels are also some of the major factors that impact the health promotion activities within Australia [6].

Creating health policies and health promotion strategies remain the basic aim of Ottawa Charter [2]. These are the basic reasons due to which the author has linked the Ottawa Charter to the reduction of alcohol misuse in the young generation of Australia. The young generation of Australia is extremely affected with the misuse of alcohol. The adolescents or young generation within Australia seems to have plenty of extra dollars for misusing alcohol. People in young generation becoming substance users also tend to get involved in crimes like thefts whenever they are short of funds [3].

For young generation, the alcohol has become a pleasurable part of their everyday life. Despite all the restrictions government of Australia imposes over the alcohol sales to the adolescents; there has been a record increase in the adolescents drinking alcohol [3]. The article also highlights different negative factors of the alcohol misuse amongst the ...
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