Young African American Males Fall Into Crime

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Young African American males fall into Crime

Young African American males fall into Crime


African Americans are the ethnic group of origin in Africa, which is living in two continents, the Americas, and uses the term specifically to refer to those who are of the assets of African and living in North America. The origin of most of these to population of Africans were enslaved and brought them from Africa to the Americas by the merchants slave and slave eggs during the second half of the past thousand years and that for forced labor in agricultural.

Gender is the only predictor of criminal behavior: men commit more crimes, and women are less in these activities (Jack, 2008). This is the difference being noticed throughout the history for all groups, every crime category, and societies. There are many people who take this fact for granted, but it is quite remarkable and universally accepted truth. Despite a promising decline in violent Crime rates, nationwide, African-American males are still dying from criminal homicides at an alarming rate (Alfred, 2009).

Factors That Leads Towards Crime

There are the social and psychological factors that directly related to the crimes that reproduce crime in male community of African American and crime as its natural consequence. There are many causes behind the criminal activities of male African American but among the most common known causes of crime such as selfishness, greed, aggression, nationalism, lack of respect for social rules, and norms, hedonism, legal nihilism. It is said that, due partly to the legacy of slavery and racism, and discrimination, African Americans as a group there is still a variation in the level of education, economic and social deprivation in many areas of Americans with European assets. Continuing social problems, political and economic issues for many ...
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