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The article “How to: Recover from a social media PR disaster” is written by Zachary Sniderman. The author has explained the concept of social media PR disaster that occurs to various organizations and brands. Additionally, he has suggested a few strategies for dealing with the serious social media slip-ups.


The author has started the article by explaining the abstract feeling of dread when a person has screwed up something. According to him, a person can get the same dreadful feeling from social media that he gets when he mistakenly leaves his oven on at home (Sniderman, 2011). He has compared the dreadful feelings in order to explain to his audience how terrible a small mistake on social media can turn out to be. According to him, a person who maintains more than one social profile on various social media platforms does get such a feeling time and again. A person sometimes accidentally uses his personal profile instead of the company's one to post something official. Such accidents can bring about enormous PR disasters to people. I totally agree with Sniderman's viewpoint that social media has causes several PR disasters in recent times.

The author writes, “On social media sites, a rash of Twitter accounts have tumbled into nasty PR disasters”. Sniderman has proposed a few prevention techniques for preventing social media PR disasters from occurring. PR disasters from social media cause embarrassments and fails to people and organizations. Simple slips as well as serious slips can occur on social media. Simple slips can be easily rectified as they do not reflect that badly on an organization. On the contrary, serious slips can cause some real damage to an organization (Maxon, 2013). The five categories of serious slips include insensitive statement, inappropriate opinion, false reward, early release, and hack. Insensitive statement causes ...
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