Xxx Coffee

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XXX Coffee

XXX Coffee


The specialty coffee industry is the fastest growing segment in the world coffee market, which today is undergoing a profound crisis. Coffee is mainly consumed in developed countries of the northern hemisphere and not in the South producing countries except Brazil and Ethiopia. Coffee is the drink of choice in Europe. Coffee is drunk in the morning as well, after eating and sometimes at night. The coffee market is a mature market and 95% of the population already drinking coffee. So there is no possibility of increasing the market in number of consumers. In addition, young people drink less coffee than their elders and are attracted to new concepts of beverages such as sodas and energy drinks.

Environmental Analysis

Government played an important role in the political and legal environment. UK political and legal environment is stable. The government changes occur rapidly. Government policies changes in numerous manners. The head of state is major minister chosen for five years. Here, one thing is very important that in very rear cases assemblies complete the five years time period. In most situations, assemblies were dissolved within three to four years. Then the new government takes charge they change the policies considering levies, trade principle and other policies.


In UK coffeehouses are on its boom. Technology changes occur rapidly. The competition will be tough over here because, in this market, South East Coffee Shop have to compete in global brands and local brands as well. In UK, all Medias are available i.e. electronic newspapers and print media. Many independent channels are working all around the country, and main channels are working as well. The company will not face any difficulty to show its advertisements Dawar, 2006, pp. 6-7).

Marketing Strategy & Plan

The single objective is to position XXX Coffee as the premier source for “eating and hanging out” purposes in Bristol, commanding a majority of the market share within an estimated period of three years. The trading strategy will request to first conceive customer awareness considering the product ranges suggested evolve that customer base, set up attachments with targeted markets and work in the direction of constructing customer commitment and referrals XXX Coffee four key marketing strategies are:

Increased awareness and image.

Leveraging customer base once it is established.

Cross selling.

New Buying promotions.

External (Macro) Environment of XXX Filter Coffee

The significane of economic indicators to the strategic planning process in any business is the ability to benchmark economic environments that add to enhance revenue percentage, business increase and market size. Because coffee consumption is habitual, the demand for coffee is inelastic (Mintz, 2006, pp. 261-73). A slight increase in the price of a cup of XXX's coffee will not have any serious damaging effect on its demand therefore, significant growth is forecast in XXXs in spite of increasing prices. The increase in productivity due to significant technological progress also is expected to boost XXX's performance. They continue to reengineer and extend the business with imaginative new ready-to-drink beverages and expanded packaged coffee ...