Wyatt Earp

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Wyatt Earp


Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp was born on March 19, 1848. Wyatt Earp had diversified responsibilities to fulfill for his state. Wyatt Earp served as an assistant city marshal in Wichita and the Dodge City in Kansas. In addition to his services, it is also found that Wyatt Earp also served as a deputy U.S. marshal and deputy sheriff in Tombstone, Arizona. It has also been studied that Wyatt Earp was not a marshal from the beginning. At different times, Wyatt involved himself in different occupations that include teamster, farmer, saloon keeper, buffalo hunter, miner, gambler and even a boxing referee. It is very obvious by studying the life of Wyatt Earp that he was engaged in different occupations and was responsible for completing important tasks on state level. Wyatt Earp was best known for his gun fighting skills. He showed his skills I in a gun fight at the OK Corral where he killed three cowboys in a thirty seconds fight. A misconception about Wyatt Earp is that he was a cowboy, but this is not true. He gained this reputation because of this gun fight in which he killed three cowboys. This fight summed the entire life of Wyatt Earp (Alagna, pp. 28). In today's society, the reputation of Wyatt Earp is demonstrated to be the deadliest and toughest gunman in those historical days. Wyatt Earp died on January 13, 1929.

Early Life

The early life of Wyatt Earp enables us to understand the influence of his behavior and the professions he was involved in during his life. He was born on March 19, 1948 in Illinois. He had an elder half brother and a half sister from his father's first marriage. Wyatt's half sister died when she was ten months. Wyatt was named after his father's commanding officer in the Mexican American war, Captain Wyatt Berry Stapp. It has been observed that the family of Earp continued to shift their residence to different cities. It has been observed that the American Civil War began during the second stay of the Earp family at Pella. At this occasion, three of the elder brothers of Wyatt joined the American Army. On the other hand, his father was responsible for recruiting and drilling local companies. Wyatt continued to look after their corn crops with his younger brothers. Further, another shift of lace occurred in the life of Wyatt and his family when they headed towards California on May 12, 1864 (Sifakis, n.d.).

Wyatt Earp - The Lawman

The family of the Earps moved to Missouri in 1868. Nicholas, the father of Wyatt became the local constable in the city. When Nicholas resigned from the designation of the local constable in 1869, then Wyatt was selected to be the local constable on his father's place. A file was reported for his appointment of Wyatt as the local constable. The sureties that signed the file included his father Nicholas Earp, his uncle Jonathan Earp and James Maupin. This was the first step of Wyatt Earp to ...
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