Wrongful Convictions

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Wrongful Convictions

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Table of Contents




Individual and Social Implications5

Experts' Opinion Regarding the Issue7

Responses of the Public8

Solutions to the Problem9




A fair and efficient judicial system is considered as one of the crucial pillars of a state. A country with an effective and fair judiciary progresses in a prosperous way. However, there are a number of issues that are faced by the judicial system. One of such issues is wrongful conviction that is defined as a conviction that is reached in a disputed or unfair trial and resulting in the conviction and punishment of a person who in reality is not responsible for the crime. This is a significant issue which the judicial system usually faces. In this paper, this issue along with its implications, consequences and solutions are discussed so that it can be prevented in future. It is a serious issue that needs to be addressed with more attention so that it can be prevented.

Wrongful Convictions


The world has both types of people, i.e. those who obey the laws of the state and those who don't. The ones who don't obey the laws need to be accounted for. The judicial system is the responsible for dealing with such people. It is the system of courts that applies the laws of the state in cases where it is required to do so, such as breach of law, and convict the ones who are responsible for this breach. Moreover, the judicial system has the authority that is granted to it by the state to punish such people as per the law of the state. The thesis statement of this research paper is “wrongful convictions is a significant issue frequently faced by the judicial system and results in undesirable outcomes.”

A fair, neutral and effective judicial system is considered as crucial to the progress of a state in a positive direction, i.e. towards prosperity. If the judicial system of a country is free to exercise its authority, as dedicated by the state, and continues to punish criminals, then the crime rate in that country is greatly reduced. In such a country, people obey the law strictly as they know that if they do not do so, they will be punished by the judiciary of the state.

It is agreed upon that a fair judicial system is a fundamental need of a country. However, the judicial system of a country has to face a number of issues while it works. One of them is wrongful conviction. Wrongful conviction is a situation that is caused by a trial that is either disputed or unfair resulting in the conviction of a person by the court who had not committed the crime in reality. In short, it is the conviction, and consequentially the punishment of a person for a crime for which he/she is not responsible in reality.

It is an issue that has serious consequences for the wrongly convicted person in specific and the society in general. It can be caused by a number of ...
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