Writing Critical Review

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Writing Critical Review

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Writing Critical Review


Peacebuilding is one of the most significant issues in today's international politics. After the collapse of communism in 1989, the international community in general and the United Nations in particular started focusing on strengthening states as a way to achieve international peace since and the process of statebuilding, according to the widely held perspective during that time, is the only solution to international conflict. Consequently, many international powers especially the western countries took it upon themselves to aid the failed states to build strengthen themselves. The democratization of such weak states is then perceived as a means to achieve this objective.

But this whole practice of external democratization has turned out to be futile in most cases. Resultantly, another breed of scholars began to contest this perception of external democratization and termed the practice as a new of form of colonialism where hegemonic powers exercise greater controls over the internal politics of the states the former claim to aid in the process of statebuilding. This paper aims presenting critical analysis of the article "Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, Nationbuilding - Turtles All the Way Down?" by Catherine Goetze and Dejan Guzina, which identifies the practice of external democratization and discusses how this practice has resulted in negative outcomes for the international community.


The article appears to be developed after a careful consideration of the manner in which governments and their policies have taken origin, evolved, matured and then collapsed. The article places a significant degree of importance on the role of the general public and the control that they have over the degree of liberty that their governments are able to exercise. In this regard, it merits highlighting that the article has been substantiated with support from examples given from events and incidents in history as ...
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