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How I feel about Writing

How I feel about Writing

Depending on the topic, when I receive a writing assignment, my initial reaction may be positive or negative. If it's on a subject I enjoy, or a style of writing such as poetry, then my reaction is positive and writing a paper is generally easy and enjoyable. My reaction may be negative if the topic is one that I am not very interested in. I generally enjoy writing, most especially poetry, which I do for pleasure. It's a way to express my feelings; it may just start as a few lines of free verse, but at times I will end up with an epigram or quatrain. Yes, I do enjoy creating poetry; I am able to easily put it into words. When writing about a topic or subject I do not enjoy or is rather unpleasant, I may do it quickly to get it done, or put it off until it's near the deadline. It all depends on what the subject is it is easy to put off a writing task, just as it is easy to procrastinate on anything that one finds unpleasant. Over time, I have realized that I've done my best writing when there is an upcoming deadline, with pressure to complete it. I'm not sure where that ranks in terms of other nerds, but it's all good for me. I'm not sure what draws me to writing. I think it started with the fact that I knew I liked writing better than math or science. That and I were better at it than the latter two subjects. Whatever the root cause is, I love writing (Fromkin, 1983).

When I have a writing assignment, I prefer to use a computer either a desktop or laptop. When research is involved, a ...
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