Write Up Essay

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Write Up Essay

Wangsijun Zhou

SID #: 24036129


Write up assignment


Teaching was never an easy task, and especially for someone whose first language is not English. I do not belong to that school of thought who believes in letting the tutee learn instead learning is a process which is done together.

Kloe, a fifth grade student who studies at John Muir Elementary school which is a typical American school that is located in Berkeley. I did not see Kloe the first time when I paid a visit to this school; however, it made me more curious about what kind of girl Kloe is.

Kloe is a slim, tall and loves to go shopping during her spare time. She loves to get dressed up and wear nice and bright clothes. The first time when we met she was wearing the green colored manicure on her nails which is her favorite color and looked really cute on her. She is really addicted to Thai taste bud and likes yellow Thai curry the most, other than Indian and African food. She drinks Hawaiian Punch the most. She loves playing games in her idle time and passes her spare period by reading anime/manga which she enjoys reading a lot as once she told me that she really likes reading such kind of books. Kloe is very bright and talented as she knows playing music instrument violin really well. Besides, she is really into playing sports like baseball and volleyball, she knows swimming and was the position holder of the cheer-leader team in school.

Kloe lives along her parents and has one sibling, her younger brother. Both the parents are very multicultural. She likes to read and write so that she can have a chance of learning the characters and this makes her feel that she lives in a different world. The latest book that she has read is Winn-Dixie and where the mountain meets the moon, which is about a young girl named Minli who wants to bring fortune to her family. When she reads a new vocabulary which she does not know then she prefers looking it up on the dictionary search in Google as it's very convenient. I have observed from our conversation that she actually prefers writing over reading as she really enjoys writing along friends. Her favorite subjects at school are music and science. Her aim is to be a designer in future or to have a job which is related to art.

Graph phonic Cueing System

Spelling protocol

Kloe performed pretty well in the spelling protocol. She always pronounced the word after I have read it and then she writes down those spellings while pronouncing the words. These are her specific results in context to spelling learning.

Words spelled correctly: 23/25

Feature points: 51/53

Total: 74/78

Correct Spelling

Kloe's Spelling





Kloe was showing confidence about her spellings when the two of us were doing late emergent to letter name-alphabetic stage and within-word pattern. She almost got one word written wrong while she was spelling it “spoil”, she wrote down the ...
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