Would Western Intervention In Syria Be Just?

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Would Western Intervention in Syria be Just?


As the Tunisian uprisings have kicked off the Arab Spring more than a year ago, Syrians are seeking for the purpose of overthrowing authoritarian leader of the country, Bashar Al-Assad. This authoritarian leader of Syria has faced increased amounts of violence that were crackdown from his regime. Statistics have shown that around 7,000 Syrians have died in these fights during the month of March. However, numerous outside efforts have been proved complicated in order to assist the rebel forces, most currently with China and Russia's rejection of a resolution offered by the United Nation Security Council regarding this matter. Despite the fact that intervention in Libya by the Western authorities was supposed to be largely successful in an effort to bring down the dictator of the country Muammar Qadhafi, most of the people still wonder that such an attempt would be feasible in Syria also or not. Moreover, the instability of Egypt in the post-revolution era only resulted in adding their concerns. Other people claim in this regard that the United States is considered to have a moral imperative in order to step in for the purpose of stopping such kind of rising humanitarian crisis. Thus, this piece of study's aim is to discuss that should outsiders intervene in Syria or not?


Despite of the fact that the definition of the term 'Middle East' has been fluctuated over time, it is most commonly referred as the region between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, and lying at the crossroads between Europe, Africa, and Asia. Moreover, major nations that are included in this region are the nations of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran. The United States has had to pursue an uncertain balance between providing support to the state of Israel, as well as, to maintain good relations with the oil rich nations of Arab, for the purpose of pursuing its diplomatic relations with the region. In addition to this, these relations between the United States and the region of Middle East have been complicated because of the long-standing and ancient friendship between Israel and the United States. This friendship is considered greatly as a commitment that had required the United States on several levels and occasions to defend and support the state of Israel against the aggressive attacks of the neighboring Arab nations (www.smh.com.au).

Furthermore, at the time of cold war, the region of Middle East was the main focus of the struggle of power between the Soviet Union and the United States, with the case in which the Soviet Union was supporting the Arab states and the United States siding with Israel. In addition to this, the Arab and Israeli tensions are dated back to the creation of Israel in the year 1947. It was the time when the United Nations (UN) did partition of the British mandate of Palestine in order to make a separate homeland for the ...