World Without Fcaps- Viasat Case Study

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World without FCAPS- ViaSat Case Study




The Case2





Case Analysis7

Fault Management7

Performance Management10

Corrective Actions11

Planning of Communication12

Distribution of Information12

Progress Reports12

Interrelation in Communication13

Managing Stakeholders13

Effective Participation in Meetings14




This paper studies the case study of ViaSat for the development of WebNMS. Moreover this paper addresses the issues of the cases and the major element of FCAPS model that were lacking in the project management. Furthermore, in this paper, the analysis of case study has been done with respect to corrective actions and other recommended solutions to the organisation.World without FCAPS- ViaSat Case Study


The network management is the set of activities dedicated to the control and surveillance of the telecommunications infrastructure of a company or operator. The key areas of network management are fault management, configuration management, security management, performance management and management accounting (Sahai & Graupner, 2005).

Moreover, during the years of monopoly, network management had been seeking to find and fix problems remotely and centrally with automated processes. It avoids the time-consuming tasks of operators or their displacement in local. Moreover it makes configuration, changes equipment or manages their performance. In the late twentieth century, the liberalization of telecommunications monopolies brought in serious changes in network management. Among other issues, it necessitated the control of a growing number of different technologies and equipment suppliers. Moreover, it introduced new services gradually. Furthermore, it is also important that the management system provide adequate information (

The heterogeneity of the teams involved within the same network and the slow process of standardization has meant that each vendor has been developing software management tools in a different format of incompatible databases in many aspects. Moreover, each technology has been using different management to monitor the network applications. These technologies have been developed in different programming languages ??and supported on different operating systems. The network growth has also assumed that the databases that are distributed over multiple servers. In fact, many of these databases are redundant, in order to increase the robustness of the system to normal faults. The increased competition has led to a rapid pace of development of new services, increasingly sophisticated and personalized, so it is imperative that the management system allows these services to be implemented gradually. In this paper we will discuss the case study of ViaSat Management System for Next Gen LTE Satellite System. Moreover we will analyse the case study and the reasons for the issues in the cases. Furthermore, in this paper we will provide recommendations for the company with respect to the case study.


The Case

ViaSat is a Swedish network of popular channels for movie, sports and more. Viasat was founded in 1989. The company captures the viewership in Latvia, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Moldova Lithuania and Russia together with Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine. The company produces innovative products of digital and satellite communication that makes the secure, fast and efficient communication in any location. The company also bring in new applications of communication to people who are out of reach of terrestrial network in government sectors and commercial sectors as ...