World War II

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Western ideals and World War II

Western ideals and World War II


The Second World War is the conflict that between 1939 and 1945 has seen faces on one side the Axis powers and other countries allies. Is called a "world" as well as it did for the Great War, was attended by all the nations of continents and military operations interested in much of the planet.

It is considered the largest armed conflict in history, humanity and it cost six years of suffering, destruction and massacres for a total of 55 million deaths (Stoler, 2007). The civilian population is, in fact, directly involved in the conflict due to the use of ever more powerful and destructive, often deliberately directed against non-military targets. During the war was consumed even the tragedy of the ' Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jews, the ethnic groups Roma and Sinti, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles and other Slavs.

After the war, it established a new world order based on the opposition, known as " Cold War "between the United States and the Soviet Union, while the ' Europe, reduced to a pile of rubble, continuing the decline begun with the First World War, finally lost its hegemony on the planet.


When the U.S. declared its independence in 1776, the so-called era of the Crusades was long gone. Nevertheless, the lead and led U.S. in the official diction for various reasons, several Crusades: The First World War for democracy, the current war in Afghanistan against terrorism. Even the Second World War is no exception. For example, said the allied commander in Europe and later U.S. President Eisenhower would go from a "great crusade” (Koistinen, 2004). The United States and Great Britain it comes to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and to freedom from fear stands in the so-called Atlantic Charter written in August 1941, so at a time when the U.S. had not yet entered the war.

This official version has been propagated during the so-called Cold War as a justification for the war against fascist Italy and the Third Reich. Across from the thesis that the war is entering the U.S. have had a purely economic reason. The Keynesian measures of the New Deal as a consequence of the so-called Great Depression have failed in the thirties. The outbreak of war in Europe had then rejected the U.S. capital a way out of ...
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