World War II

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World War II

World War II


In World War II, there were more killings and decimation than any other conflict before or after it. At the size of the conflict, citizens of the surrounding countries of Germany and the Soviet Union dreaded the Nazi equipped armies and Red Army troops. It was because these armies conveyed decimation, looting, rape, and death. It appeared that no good would arrive out of the conflict, but after Germany's and Japan's beat at the hands of the United States that concept shifted. Steven Ambrose, a historian, composed that there were 3 major legacies that World War II left behind. These legacies were the disperse of democracy, the decimation of imperialism, and the atomic bomb(Cere, 1995).



The disperse of democracy, which is the most significant whereas Steve Ambrose does not state it is, was the entire equivalent to Hitler's dictatorship throughout World War II. At the turn of the 19th 100 years, totalitarianism was on the rise. Japan and Germany were intimidating to command the world. During the invasions Hitler's armies pillaged and enslaved. In compare American armies presented out confectionary, nourishment rations, and surgery while they liberated the dropped nations. However, it was when the American's were in Berlin that the concept of democracy disperse amidst the Germans. It was because the armies didn't heal the German persons like enemies. Instead they were treated like liberated persons, with the confectionary, tobacco, and nourishment passed to them like the liberated countries before them. This consideration was absolutely unforeseen and it made the persons of Germany and surrounding countries desire to set a up a popular government. Eisenhower, the commander of the American zone in Germany, aided the democracy in every way he could saying, “the achievement or malfunction of this occupation can only be judged fifty years from now(Seller, 2001).

If by then the Germans had a flourishing, steady democracy, we will have succeeded. One demonstration of his aid was he notified the German press corps to have a free press and to compose in its bulletins anything. He even notified them to compose down their disagreements with him and be critical of him. Eisenhower accepted Germany had to have a free press if it liked to become a democracy. It was no distinct on the opposite edge of the world with Japan. With the totalitarian authorities tattered down and the new ...
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