World War Ii

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World War II

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World War II


The Second World War (1939-1945) began after Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, has decreed the invasion of Poland by German troops in 1939. The United States previously had not entered the war, but in 1941 the U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt sent U.S. Army troops to Europe. But what were the reasons for U.S. entry into World War II? Our main goal is to clarify this issue. Japan, belonging to the Axis bloc, composed by Germany and Italy, initiated a policy of territorial expansion, their claims turned to Southeast Asia (where they were European colonial possessions). Beyond territorial expansion, the Japanese sought to dominate the exploitation of mineral resources in the region and vegetables, or raw materials such as oil, tin, rubber and rice (Takaki, 2000).

Following the plan of territorial expansion, only the Japanese would have to defeat the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Ocean. To this end, in December 1941, the base of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, belonging to the U.S. was attacked by surprise by the Force area of ??Japan, this fact was marked in history as the suicide bombing of the Japanese kamikazes, an unorthodox attack where Japanese pilots threw their planes against the U.S. base. At the end of the attack, the project conducted by Japanese squadron took effect, Pearl Harbor was totally destroyed and Japan had 29 aircraft shot down. Since then, President Roosevelt, the U.S. sent American troops to fight in World War II, but this fact was not the only reason for U.S. entry into the war. For some time, Roosevelt accomplished diplomatic agreements with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill; together, signed a document called the Atlantic Charter, the content of which was contrary to the totalitarian ideology and politics (Wuthnow, 1988).

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