World War 1 And Wwii

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World War 1 and WWII

World War 1 and World War 2


WWI began in central Europe in July 1914. The war's genesis go bottomless, concerning national politics, cultures, economics, and a multifaceted net of unions and offsets that had built up between the diverse European powers since 1870. The war started in 1914 and ended in 1919; although the fighting ended in 1918. It was the bloodiest war in the history of the world. WWII began in 1939 and ended in 1945. WWII took place because of the effects of the WWI. both the wars damaged the world in every conceivable way, and if on one end created alliances then other end created never ending enmities too (Keene, 2006). In the later part of the paper, more information regarding the causes, participation of the countries, alliances and enmities and finally the effects of both the wars are discussed.


In WWI, the main cause that triggered the war was the assassination of the Austrian archduke named Franz Ferdinand and his wife on 28th June 1914 by Bosnian revolutionary, Gavril Principe (West well, 2004). Other causes such as Alliances which means an agreement, between two or more countries to give each other help if there is any need of it. The countries who sign this agreement are known as allies. The second cause was imperialism (when a country increases its power by taking over lands or countries to rule over them). By 1900, the British Empire extended over five continents and France was controlling the major areas of Africa. By 1914, Germany and Britain doubled their armed forces to put a greater influence on other countries. Lastly the cause was nationalism, meaning being a strong supporter of the rights and interest of own country. There were many territories that were under the control of major powers, such as Slavic people in Bosnia desired no longer to be a part of Austria Hungary. Countries were fighting on either freedom or taking over the territory with each other which led to the war (Somerville, 2008).

In WWII, the main cause was the aim of the Hitler of dominating the whole of Europe and the world. To take the revenge of WWI, another war was confirmed already which broke numerous alliances and made undisclosed damages to this world. More over the UNO failed woefully to keep the peace in the world. Secondly most of the ...
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