World War 1

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World War 1


The First World War was waged from 1914 to 1918 between the Central Powers (principally Germany and Austria-Hungary) and the Allied forces (principally Great Britain, France, Russia, and, after April 1917, the United States). For American president Woodrow Wilson, the purpose of the war was to ensure safety in the world for democracy, but its effects nowhere favored democracy. In some cases, prewar democratic experiments gave way to authoritarianism, either during the war (as in Russia) or shortly thereafter (in Germany and Italy).

Causes of World War I

In the twentieth century, World War I was a major turning point and this was because of its impact on the world. The causes that led to the war are mentioned below.

Alliance - During 1879 and 1914, many alliances were signed between the countries, therefore, some countries declared war.

Imperialism - British Empire extended by 1900 to five continents while Africa was controlled by France. Industrialism increased because of which new markets were required. Therefore, rivalry occurred with regards to the land owned by Britain and France occurred with Germany.

Nationalism - After Napoleon's exile, Elba was held by Congress of Vienna which aimed to solve the problems that occurred in Europe. Nationalist elements resulted in re-unification of Italy in 1861 and Germany in 1871. At the end of Franco-Prussian war, the settlement angered France because it had to lose Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. Therefore, it was adamant to regain the territory. Nationalist groups lived in Austria-Hungary and Serbia, and they wanted freedom (Todman, pp. 160).

Militarism - Since Europe was growing, it resulted in arms and race between the major countries. By 1870 and 1914, armies of France and Germany doubled which resulted in fierce competition with regards to mastery of seas. 'Dreadnought' was also introduced by the British in 1906. ...
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