World Today

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World today

World today is better than it was 50 years ago

I have to compose an argumentative essay on the world is better today or 50 years ago. It's a very very wide topic. I can proceed either way with it and converse about anything aspects I want. I have yet to conclude which bend to take. I'm looking for distinct perspectives. My first gut feeling was "definitely today". Technology is much more famous, you can effectively discover anything in an issue of minutes, better health advances, etc. However, I desire to consider everything.  There are so numerous problems that battle those who are dwelling in the 21st century. The problems of globalization and international heating are just some of the challenges that men and women face in the world today. Yet even with numerous difficulties there is no better time to be living than in the present. One only has to gaze back and analyze the events, expertise and value of life fifty years ago. By matching the achievements of the persons of past and the present and by matching what is occurrence today to what has transpired fifty years before, it would be easy to resolve that life is much better the new millennium than in the past century?

What about family life? 50 years before, families ate evening serving of food simultaneously, exercised, and talked. Children didn't rot in front of the TV. They really got outside and played. Kids really respected their parents. certain some families are still like that, but not very numerous. What about violence? Is the world more dangerous today, or does it just seems that way because everything is televised/online? Education?How has it changed?Technology is a good thing in school rooms, yet it undoes more doorways for dishonesty/cheating.

Dismantling of Nuclear Weapons

Fifty years ...
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