World Religions

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World Religions

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World Religions


The life mystery of humans has always been attracted in terms of its meaning, origin and finality. All religions provide an answer to the basic questions regarding human life, creation and death. Many religions defined human beings as a small fraction of reality and illustrated as illusion of physical existence. For instance, in Buddhism human is an amalgamation of five aggregate, and as a temporary illusion.

All world religions focus on the moral question of humanity and address this concept in terms of benevolence, justice and forgiveness. World religions emphasize on welfare and flourishing of human beings, as well as other living beings. World religions lead humans towards liberalization, respect each other, and not harming others. This phenomenon stresses on the importance of provisions of welfare for the deprived humans. However, some religions favored the caste system rather than equality among human beings.


It is highly evident in Hinduism, the concept of the caste system rather than equal human rights to all. Vedas provided a concept of duties or acts “Karma” in Hinduism, and deeds of human beings are considered to be very essential. This idea later resulted in the formation of the caste system in Hinduism. The holy books of Hindus states that man is an offspring of Vivasvat; whereas, other holy books states his son Manu is the progenitor. On the other hand, female is considered to be the descended of Manu. The caste system in Hinduism has been divide into four classes includes Brahma?as, K?atriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras (Klostermaier, 1994).

The Shudra are considered to be "untouchables," do not consider as a respectable member of a society and posses any rights. The caste in Hinduism is determined by birth and has no individual freedom, opportunity to select career or social advancement. Social ranking has the upper class known as the “Brahmans,” then come the “K?atriyas” who were the soldiers, the third class known as “Vaisyas” were the traders and businessman, and the lowest class were the “Shudra.” Based on castes professions, social position, education potential is determined in Hinduism. In Hinduism, it is believed that the caste is based on their virtues, sins, or dharma fulfilled by an individual in his previous life i.e. Janam. Furthermore, dharma or acts also dependents on the caste of a person, and decide the responsibilities that he required to fulfill in the present life; as well as become the criteria for the punishment in his next life. Hindus believed that work and deeds of present life will have an effect on the next life, and will decide caste where individual will fall in coming life. Hinduism promotes the idea of stagnation, and the concept of social justice is eliminated in Hinduism, which will eventually eliminate the initiative for progress. This caste system prospers the ruling stratum; maintain a status quo, and social structure stabilization of a particular class at the cost of individuals (Ries, 2001).

In Hinduism, the concept of humanity is mythical, as ...
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