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World History

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World history

Marx's View of Communist Revolution


Karl Marx is one of the influential and spectacular social philosopher of the 19th century, an undeniable founder of modern communal sciences. Whilst Karl Marx was considered as a vague individual in his own era, his ideologies and ideas started to exert a great influence on the movements of workers after his death. This influence gained added impetus with the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution in 1917, and few parts of the world remained significantly untouched by Marxian ideas in the course of the twentieth century. According to Marx, history is a history of class struggles. The upper classes exploit the lower classes, this leads to the impoverishment of the workers. The ruling classes have not only to spread their ideologies of the best ways and beliefs; they also have dominion over the state apparatus and can thus secure the ownership in their favor. Marx says so, that class consciousness could bring about a change through a revolution. If this revolution has been performed, the first dictatorship of the proletariat, the socialist and communist society will emerge.

It was the belief of Karl Marx that for the betterment of the society, social change is required and to achieve the social change, the social conflict is necessary. The main concern of Marx regarding the social change was the economic change. The most notable work which Marx dealt with was the class conflict, the resistance amongst the working class and the capitalist class. The capitalist class was also called the bourgeoisie. The capitalist were the class which was responsible to control the factories, lands, etc. the working class was also called the proletariat. They were the labors which were exploited by the capitalists.


In developing, the principles of communism; Marx and Engels from the philosophy and then go into other fields of study played an important score. Specifically, Marx focused on political thought, political economy and political history, Engels's interests turned to physical sciences, mathematics, anthropology, military science and linguistics. In addition to contributing to the literature and the theory of Marxism, Engels took an active part in building the revolutionary movement of that time. Following the outbreak of revolution in Germany in 1848, Marx and Engels traveled to Cologne, where he published a Communist newspaper. Marx and Engels tried to analyze capitalist society. They pointed out the contradictions within contemporary society: fundamental rights had not abolished the injustice did not avoid the constitutional governments and mismanagement and corruption, science made possible the domination of nature but not the fluctuations economic cycles, and the efficiency of modern production methods did not prevent the existence of slums in the midst of plenty.

Marx and Engels believed that the revolution was inevitable and would soon occur, since the extension of capitalism at the global level led to the expansion of the working class, I had to shoot it down. Marx and Engels had enough prestige among the working ...
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