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Afghanistan, India and World Peace

Afghanistan, India and World Peace

Afghanistan has a complex history of being a strategic point of the struggle between Indo-European civilizations. Throughout its history it has been occupied and influenced by other countries, many Aryan tribes, the Persian Empire, the Mongols, and recently the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. In my opinion, being under the control of powerful countries for most of the time Afghanistan has been unable to survive on its own, control their government, economy and led to civil war and, therefore, to date, AO War.

In the first decade of the twenty-first century, there is a striking optimism found about the emerging India. A country that started beginning to be regarded as a country with a great future. Earth's deficit is now regarded as a land of opportunity. Earth snake RS Charme is currently considered the land of fashion. The land of traditional crafts is increasingly perceived as the land of information technology (Cousins, 1992). Earth bullock-carts, or pairs of trains coming to be seen as the land of cars, or jet aircraft. Such a change of mood and sharp is especially noticeable among the rich and writers in India. There is an observable similar change in perception about India in the outside world, mostly among the interested persons or countries concerned.

Years after the Anglo-Afghan war were typical for the modernizing reforms of the country. Some reforms, such as the abolition of the traditional Muslim veil, caused resistance among the many tribal and religious leaders. During Mohammed Nadir Khan, AO rules 1933-1973 years, relations with the Soviet Union became closer, and those with Pakistan were fading. In 1964 he introduced a bicameral legislature with a third of parliament had been elected king, the people and the provisional assembly. This experiment, however, led to the ...
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