Workplace Stress And Aggression And Conflict Resolution

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Workplace Stress and Aggression and Conflict Resolution

Workplace Stress and Aggression and Conflict Resolution


Stress is a common element that can be found almost anywhere, whether at work or in everyday life. Its origins can be varied and thus involves the risk of creating violence in the environment. However, people may be able to cope with stress by acting rationally and learn to know the source of their stress. It is particularly important in a workplace when job related factors may cause stress (Bickford, 2005). In effect, the productivity is inversely related to stress, i.e., the smaller the stress, the greater the capacity of the individual and vice versa.

A conflict is a situation in which two or more people opposing views or wishes. A conflict arises when people in a disagreement not listen to each other because emotions and clashing personalities are involved in a discussion or nature of subject (De Dreu, et al. 2003). It is very difficult to resolve conflicts as it may have good impact on the overall performance of an organization but when it is not resolved immediately may lead to unfavorable consequences including stress and violence.

Emergence of Aggressive Behavior

Aggressive behavior occurs in, and is strongly influenced by the interaction between perpetrator and victim. The conflicting interests give rise to aggression. Verbal and physical aggression is usually preceded by a period of tension, which compel the person to adopt negative behavior.

When the employees' expectations have not been fulfilled, he would show his aggressive behavior which may leads to violence. This increases the risk of frustration and manipulation (one thinks of applying pressure to achieve something which no one actually entitled).

Also there may be misunderstandings: behavior by the offender not aggressive meant, by the employee is so experienced, or he reacts as if there aggression has been discussed. This may evoke aggression by the offender. In any case leads to feelings of fear or be attacked, with the corresponding stress reactions (Ramirez and Andreu, 2006).

In addition, some employees have a cordial relationship with those who adopt unwanted behavior due to the use of resources or because they are psychologically disturbed. This may cause the increasing risk of violence in the environment.

Types of Aggression

Generally there are three types of aggression which creates unwanted behavior and violence among employees:

Verbal aggression: speak with raised voice, shouting, cursing, swearing and harassment come under verbal aggression. It also includes discriminatory comments that indicate the level of aggressiveness in a person.

Physical aggression: physical threats such as threatening to punch, kick, the impede passage or use of weapons and perform aggressive behaviors such as kicking, pushing, hitting, spitting, destroying, or depriving arson. In extreme cases, employees can even be faced with kidnapping and murder.

Psychological aggression: it includes threatening (verbal or written), blackmail, humiliation, harassment and bullying (Bickford, 2005).

Sources of Stress and Aggression

Stress at work has a significant impact, both in terms of human suffering and obstruction of economic performance. In addition to its serious consequences on the mental and physical health of workers, the negative effect of stress is evident in ...
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