Workplace Privacy

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Workplace Privacy


The paper focuses on the matters regarding workplace security, and the use of various websites during working hours. It also takes into account the rights of employers and employees. Workplace privacy has been a central issue of debate since a number of years, with the pace of debate being strengthened with the advent and increasing use of the internet and the social networking websites. Apart from the internet, there are a number of issues that come under questions, like whether or not the employer should be allowed to monitor all the moves of the employees and trace their calls, record their conversations etc.

Workplace Privacy

1. Introduction:

With the advancements in information and technology, the world of social networking as well as the workplace environment has been changed altogether. The issues that used to be the major concern for organizations before do not even exist today, while new issues that were nonexistent before, are gaining pace and posing threats to the workplace privacy. The issue of workplace privacy has been under serious discussion since a number of years, and a number of arguments are presented both in favor and against the use of such websites. Researches have shown that the majority of the employers keep a check on the browsing habits of their employees and also block certain websites that they find unsuitable, thus snatching the right of free use of Internet from their employees. Both employers and employees have their own point of view regarding the issue, and most of employers are found favoring the ban on use of social networking websites. On the other hand, majority of the employees favor allowing the use of social networking websites, during office hours and using the office equipment.

Specific rules are also present in certain countries, which define the extent to which the employees must be allowed to practice their will and what are the limitations placed on the employer. Although such rules are present, in general it is the responsibility of the employer to define rules of the organization, in order to ensure the provision of a comfortable and friendly working environment for employees.

2. Use of Social Networking Websites—Significance of the Issue:

When it comes to workplace privacy, the most debated issue is the use of social networking websites, which is both favored and opposed with equal amplitude. Let us start with the problems that arise from the use of social networking websites, thus forcing a number of employers to block their usage during office hours:

2.1 Problems arising due to use of social networking websites:

The issues regarding the use of social networking websites apply to the use of such websites both within and after the office timings. The wrong or careless use of such websites using office equipment can cause serious damage and issues, which can also turn into legal issues at times. The major issues that surface due to the usage of social networking websites include:

2.2 Affect on Productivity:

The social networking websites are widely known to affect the productivity of the employees, as they ...
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