Workplace Persuasion

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Influencing others at workplace

Influencing others at workplace


The term networking refers means; making links with people who we know to the people they know, in highly organized manner. Networking is established for specific purpose, while remaining committed to doing our part, expecting nothing in return. It is necessary for an individual to establish strong networks; it helps what people do in order to get a job. Strong networking assists an individual in obtaining valuable position of the market ( It is important for an individual to notice people how they grasped the opportunities through their network. Individual has kept his/her eyes and ear open, in order to exploit the contacts at its optimal level. There is a fact that an individual cannot obtain job through line manager contact. The job which an individual gets is the result from three, four levels deep.

In organization the influence of team members on others, play an integral role in development of the organization. It is found that the individuals, who have the skill to influence others, are given more respect than the normal employee. Influence makes effective leaders from the entry level employees to chief operating officer (CEO). The individual who has the power to convince others in the work place, jump the ladder of career growth very quickly. This skill leads to job satisfaction, and the person gets a greater control on personal and corporate life. Influencing others is an innate skill, but a person can enhance this skill by attending training and leadership programs (McIntosh & Luecke, 2011, pp 1-8).


The value of networking

The value of networking is an integral ingredient in enhancing the job satisfaction at its optimal level. I am currently working in highly reputable content development company. I am responsible to prepare high quality content for my reputable organization clients. The organization is segregated in seven departments, the department in which I am working constitutes of 200 members. The concept of networking is reasonably inter-linked with my department. The department includes a manager and seven first line supervisors who are responsible for running the departmental operations. First line managers of my department are given high respect, because each employee query resolution lies under his hands. I have identified that in order to survive in the organization you have to develop a strong chain of network (Stevenson, 2008, pp 1).

In this contemporary world, the survival of employee is associated with strong networking. The employees of organization have to develop strong network within the organization, in order to escalate the career ladder. Employee can establish strong network in the organization through different ways. The best way of developing strong network in the organization is by performing the job exceptionally well. If, the performance of the employee is exceptional then every employee will approach that individual in order to know the key of success. This will help the employee in strengthening the network automatically. It totally depends on the skills of the employee, that how well he exploits the ...