Workplace Discrimination

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Discrimination at the Workplace

Discrimination at the Workplace


The discrimination at any sector can adversely affect the entire system or environment. Similarly, the discrimination at the workplace disturbs the whole management and environment of the organization. The discrimination at the workplace hurts the people who are being discriminated for no reason as well as it damages the entire firm's environment. Such organizations which encompass workplace discriminations face trouble in retaining their employees whereas other employees who are working in such environment would not be satisfied with the organization and their job (Williams, 2013, p.1).

According to the research surveys of TNS, it has been observed that 68% of women survey believed that gender discrimination was present in the workplace. Discriminations against age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and many other social factors were the major reason for discrimination within the workplace. Many laws and legislations have been proposed in order to protect minorities and women from discrimination at the workplace. The commencement of the Equal Pay Act finished the system of high pay for men as compared to women while employing on the same duties and jobs. The Civil Rights Act prevented the discrimination in the pay with minority ethnic groups in the year 1964 (Timmons, 2013, p.1).

Productivity of the organization can be lost because of the discrimination within the organization. Gender discrimination victims lose their morale and motivation which is essential for performing effectively in their jobs. In this way, the overall productivity of the organization declines. The biasing based on the gender leads to productivity loss. Federal law has been proposed in order to prevent from this kind of workplace harassment and discrimination (Gluck, 2013, p.1).


Forms of Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination is harmful dealing toward a person due to their associated group whereas legislations are developed so as to prevent workplace discrimination. Still in many organizations employees feel themselves as they are being discriminated against because of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other social factors (ACAS, 2010, Pp.3-4).

Ethnicity or Racial Workplace Discrimination

Laws have been proposed in order to prevent discrimination based on country of origin or race. These discriminations have been prohibited by the implications on laws and legislation. However, instead of the laws, many organizations encompass ethnicity or race discriminations and these discriminations affecting the performance of the firm's employees which are causing loss in organization's productivity. Mostly employees confront with the ethnicity or racial discrimination in the form of harassment at the workplace. For instance, employees are having offensive remarks related to their race, ethnic background or skin color. Employees with minority ethnic background will not get promotion in their job or they will be getting lower pay because of their ethnic background. Managers and superior parties of the organizations must follow the legislations that have been proposed so as to avoid ethnicity or racial discrimination among all the employees within the organization. Organizations must not discriminate against the applicants of the job due to their ethnicity or race (Lewis, 2006, ...
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