Workplace Communication

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Workplace communication

Workplace communication


It is defined as the process of sharing of facts among two or group of people with the intention of attaining a conclusion or general perception. The integral aspect of communication process is that the data or facts communicated across different people must be implicit (Turner et al, 2010). The importance of this concept could be realized from the historical fact the incomplete distribution of information has more often than not resulted in misunderstanding between two parties or group of friends, families and in other aspect of personal and professional lives.

More often than not people tend to link procedure of effective communication with “acceptance of an agreement” rather than expressing as removal of misunderstanding. According to (Morreale & Pearson, 2008) there are numerous occasions where people might thinks differently from us and at that time we tend to imagine that person was not able to understand our position; but the fact of the matter is that person understood our point of view but have a different opinion.

For example, bank manager encourage presence of lack of communication probably because it increases internal competition and encourage employees to outdo each other. However, closely monitoring of the conflict situation would reveal presence of effective communication among employees, which indicates that every employee is aware of other point of view, but they are not able to generate positive outcome from their communication.


The accomplishment of an enterprise depends on the potential to correspond efficiently in prevailing competitive environment where every individual is instructed to work hard in less time. According to (Miller, 2007) there are several ways of explaining communication, for instance, communication is defined as a two way procedure through which thoughts and stance are articulated by sender to the receiver of the message.

There is no denying the fact that communication is an integral part of every aspect of individual life for example, during process of interview communication allows interviewee to express himself and interviewer to observe the skills of interviewee. Above example clearly explains the importance of communication in workplace as without this it would become impossible for organization to carry out their daily task such as passing of instruction, allocation of resources, evaluation of performance, and satisfying the needs of customers.

Bambacas and Patrickson, (2008) agreed with above illustration of importance of communication in the work place but explains that in workplace communication occurs through various forms of verbal and non verbal communication and among those listening the common and reliable form effective communication in the work place. For example, in order to carry out business operation employees and supervisor indulge in verbal communication among themselves and with other around them, and in order to ensure generate positive result through these conversation it is important for them to develop a habit of sound listening.

Yes listening is very important part of workplace communication but (Miller, 2007) aware people about the difference in passive and active listening. In normal circumstances, people at managerial position are too tied up ...
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