Workplace Bullying In Nursing

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Workplace Bullying In Nursing


Nursing is a significant branch of health care system. The responsibilities of this branch extend beyond the scope of doctrines and principles of health care system. The profession of nursing is considered as extremely noble across the globe, and in United States of America people involved in this profession is being treated with enormous respect, gratitude and hails their effort that they have done for the betterment of the society. However over the years the holistic approach in nursing practice has seen to vanish and one of the reason can be workplace abuse for nursing. To explore this issue further an interview was conducted from Miss Sarah Lauren who has been senior charge nurse since past 22 years. We asked her to take some time off her busy schedule and the interview was conducted at her place after she returned home from hectic job.


A single look at her condition revealed about the tiresome day she has been through. On asking about her level of job satisfaction she answered that she was pretty much satisfied with her job uptill now. We then sank directly to the heart of topic and inquired her if workplace bullying is something that she has encountered during her experience. We were given a firm and positive yes, however that yes was not accompanied by pessimistic approach, instead it was full of optimistic approach. According to her being a Black nurse has actually played an integral role in her life, teaching her to survive in the nursing setups. The discrimination has been an inevitable factor throughout the working place of health care framework. For black nurses, the work place has been nothing but a very provocative challenge. They have struggled throughout the working class and have experience hardships in working aura. The hardships included ...
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